Period poverty is real and it affects girls all over the world.

1.2 billion women across the globe do not have access to appropriate feminine hygiene products[1]. When visiting  Kenya and Uganda, we have learned that  young women are forced out of necessity to use alternative methods of feminine hygiene. Cotton, wool, banana leaves, and in extreme cases, animal dung are often used as substitute absorbent materials during these young women’s monthly cycles.

 While these resources are somewhat effective, they severely limit the amount of mobility and usefulness of these young women in their everyday lives. Most importantly, it is very difficult for these young women to attend school while on their periods because of  limited access to good, reliable products. They start to miss school and each month they begin to fall further behind in their studies. On average, young women around the world can miss up to 6 and a half school days a month. That adds up to 84 days of missing school due to their natural menstrual cycle. The natural progression of excessive absences for these young women means low self esteem, falling behind in school, eventually dropping out[2], and the possibility of facing social, emotional, and economic repercussions of their decision. All this because they do not have access to appropriate feminine hygiene products.

84 Days is made up of volunteers of men and women, who know the importance of keeping young women in school and continuing their education. Our mission groups visit Kenya, Uganda, Central America and Haiti.  The groups consist of individual volunteers, church groups, youth groups and people who want to share the love of Christ to souls all over the world. In each location we visit, we stress the importance of building relationships with every single young woman we come in contact with.

During an 84 Days missions, time is spent educating teenage girls on the importance of their period.  We teach them about general hygiene care and we provide them with kits. The kits contain reusable feminine hygiene products, which we show them how to use during our workshops. We also provide these young women with a self-defense training so they can accurately learn how to protect themselves from unwanted attacks. In everything we do, we hope to empower these young women with knowledge, confidence and strength. We strive to show these young women how important they are in the kingdom of God and that, through God, they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.


Prayer and Devotional

While on our mission, we talk and pray with the girls in various schools and community settings. We teach about God’s love for all people, how God has made all of us, and that their lives are important. Keeping these young women in school and showing them the love of God is the main objective of the 84 Days program. Our program is based on the teachings of the Bible.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Eph 2:10


We want to provide a dignified education for girls everywhere. We hold workshops to discuss period product options and hygiene for our participants. Our workshops consist of:

  • Basic anatomy review and questions: Many girls we meet with do not know why we get our periods, that it is good and natural, and that women all over the world have a period too.

  • Discussion of current period products used: Many girls do not have the necessary means for period health. When asked what things they use during their periods, many have said two pairs of underwear, cloth, banana leaves and even animal dung.

  • Distribution of kits

  • Lessons on reusable pads: cleaning, drying & storing

  • Menstrual cup information: instructions of use, practice on reproductive model, general hygiene and cleaning

Self Defense Classes

No one has the right to touch anyone without consent. In the various countries that 84 days has visited, young women often spend time alone. Many are responsible for fetching clean water for their families or walking to school, which is sometimes a hard, lengthy walk. Being alone this often leaves them vulnerable to attacks from thieves, rapists, and sex traders. Young women have been hurt, sexually assaulted and many have been forced to drop out of school due to unwanted pregnancy from rape. Numerous children have been taken from their families and sold into human trafficking. Our hope is that these young women never have to use self-defense and that people everywhere will treat each other with respect and dignity. However, on return visits to the communities that 84 days has worked with, we have learned that 5-6 girls at each school have been attacked and have used the self-defense moves taught through our program to get away from their attackers.

Wanna get involved?

We have several ways to of you to get involved with the 84 Days Mission!

Donate Supplies

Click here for a full list of supplies we are in need of and where to send them!

You Can Sew!

The reusable pads can be sewn by you! Click for the list of materials and instructions on how to make the pads.

Join a Mission Trip

Are you, your group, or a friend is interested in traveling with us? We have several trips a year and go all over the world. Send us a message to see where we are planning our next trip!

Group Service Project

We can arrange for your group to participate in service projects. Just send us a message and we will get the ball rolling!

Help with the Cost

100% of all monetary donations go directly into the 84 Days missions or awareness.